Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 2 - Washburn, Ontario to Newboro, Ontario

Brian and Mr. Frei had a 24 mile day today, and are now at the summit of the Rideau Canal in Newboro, Ontario.  They have walked into the town looking for a good meal and some fresh provisions.

Mr. Frei described the scenery as looking very much like the narrows at Lake George, without the mountains. There are a lot of islands and charming cottages along the way, as well as many loons.  Apparently, one loon startled Mr. Frei by "barking" alongside his boat.  They only passed two other boats today, so it has been very peaceful.  They went through 10 - 12 locks (one set of 4) and some doubles.

They dined at lunch at the Kenney Hotel. Hopefully, they washed up in the mens' lounge beforehand!  A light rain was with them most of the day, but as they were going to dinner, the rain had stopped.

Tomorrow there will be a long stretch of the canal with no locks, so the total mileage tomorrow may exceed today's.

Brian has written a blog entry, which he will send in as soon as he reaches a place where he can do that.

Total mileage is 36!

Keep watching!


Hotel Kenney Ontario

1 comment:

  1. Seems the Canadian Lock Keepers are as helpful as those on the Erie. Good thing Al and Brian aren't from Boston - they might not be so accommodating!
