Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 18 - Beadle's Cove, VT to Cleverdale, NY

"No Christian has ever visited this land and we had all the misery of the world trying to paddle the river upstream."
~Samuel de Champlain (about the Richelieu River in Quebec.  Mr. Frei and Brian concur!)

"I've seen nothing here that I like or want any part of..."
~Brian Rooney (July 2011 as he began rowing the Richelieu River in Quebec)

 They made a short row from Beadle's Cove, VT to Ticonderoga, NY where Mrs. Frei and friend Doug were awaing with pairs of wheels for them to make the 1.5 mile portage to the top of Lake George.   The sight of these two guys pulling Adirondack Guide Boats through the streets of Ticonderoga was pretty amusing ( will try to get some photos posted).

The ex-town supervisor was nice enough to let them put in at his brother's house, which saved about a mile of the portage.    Peg and I brought the requested egg salad sandwiches to Mossy Point, about a mile away.   Last leg of the trip was started at noon, with about 25 miles to go!

5:30 PM - We received a call that they just passed Paradise Bay and Mother Bunch Island.

5:45 PM - Doug is out in his motorboat and says that the guys are expected to reach the Lake George Club at about 7PM (see map). It is just a stone's throw from there to Cleverdale, which is the finish.


6:15 PM - Now there is a headwind, and they have just passed Glen Island (The island to the right of where it says Northwest Bay).  It looks like there are about six more miles to the Club, and it may be 9 PM  before they arrive there.    Mr. Frei's son Matt may go out in the motor boat to escort them when the light goes.

11:19 PM - They reached the Lake George Club at 8:30 PM to cheers from us, Mr. Frei's Mother, friend Kathy, son Matt,  Brian's Dad Andy and his friend Beryl.    After beaching their boats they both dove into the water to cool down and then had a quick shower before joining us for a great lobster dinner.  A nice celebratory end to a long journey.  Mr. Frei will be doing some writing here as soon as he gets some rest.  A few photos will be below.


Preparing for the portage in Ticonderoga, NY

Brian arriving in Ticonderoga

The portage begins

Portage begins at a covered bridge

Mr. Frei hitchin' a ride in Ticonderoga
Putting in on the La Chute around 11 AM

Mr. Frei starts the last leg - Lake George

First sighting of the guys from the club at 8:30 PM

Arriving for the lobster dinner

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